Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rub a dub dub...Drake asleep in the tub!!!

This cracked me up!! I turned my back for two seconds to get the baby soap and as I turned back to him he was asleep!! I hurried and had Brian come into the bathroom to see...we laughed so hard!! He was just a little on the tired side!!


Emily said...

that is crazy funny!! I guess he was very relaxed, ryan loves the tub but he has never done that before!! he is so cute!!

Alicia said...

Soo funny he must be way tired lately! Didnt he fall asleep eating the other night, he must be growing!1

Jen said...

I can NOT believe any baby could fall asleep in the tub. That is the cutest thing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's amazing!! The bath really is calming.

Annette said...

What a sweet, adorable boy!
We miss you guys.

haley said...

oh man, that is the best. I think you're the first for that one, he must be a good baby. Too funny!