Sunday, September 7, 2008

Major Milestones at FIVE months!!

Those two teeth I think are the cutest! P.S....did anyone warn you that teething is like the worst??

I just cant believe he is sitting up! He looks too little for that!


Emily said...

two teeth thats crazy!!! i bet that make nursing interesting!! ryan was done nursing by the time he got teeth!

Nat and Dave said...

em..he is so sweet! i love him. his face is so stinking cute! and those teeth are so sweet! your stomach was huge sticking straight out!!! looked so cute prego!! i loved how it just stuck straight out! i hope i look cute like you!!

Leah and Mike said...

I can't believe he has 2 teeth already! I hope the nursing is going okay for you :) He is so cute - love the pics!!

Unknown said...

You are so lucky he has teeth! Lexi still has no teeth and she is almost 8 months old. Hopefully they will come soon!

Craig Family said...

You guys made one dang cute kid! I guess you should have another. But waiting a bit is just fine. You will look back and cherish the time you had with just Drake alone.